Disney Fantasy Maiden Voyage

Disney Fantasy Maiden Voyage
Through the porthole on the Fantasy with the Disney Magic in the background

Monday, August 20, 2012

What a weekend...

Gotta love the effect a hectic life has on a run sometimes.  I think stress is making me faster!

I had a GREAT running weekend.  This was a step-back week in my Rock N Roll St. Louis marathon training, with 11 miles slated for Saturday and 8 on Sunday.

The group run Saturday morning couldn't have had better weather.  It was in the low to mid-60s when we started at 7am.  Finished my first 6 miles with an 8:11 average before joining the group for the remaining 5 miles.  We caught up with a 5k race about a mile or so into our training run, which of course led to some speedier than desired miles.  Definitely thought I'd be regretting that later in the run but somehow I managed to continue to use that to push through all the way to the full distance.  I still don't know how I pulled it off, but I managed to reduce my average pace from 8:11 to 8:04!!  All but 1 of the last 5 miles was at a sub-8 pace!  WHOO HOO!!  This bodes well my race goal.

After such a great pace on Saturday, I assumed Sunday's 8 miles would feel really rough but went out relaxed and ready for whatever my legs felt like giving me.  Little did I know that they would be feeling good and ready to move.  For the second day in a row, I managed low-8's (8:05) for a run.  Talk about being elated!  Got to then enjoy the rest of the afternoon at my parents' house celebrating my sister's birthday.

Today is a rest day after the 19 miles over the weekend.  The legs are due for some needed recovery before tomorrow's speed session.  Apparently my husband has something torturous in mind.  I'm a little scared but I'm certain the pain will pay off in the long run.

Earlier this morning, I felt like I desperately needed a stress-relief run.  Reservations for Be Our Guest in WDW's Fantasyland expansion opened at 6am this morning.  After spending nearly 2 hours calling the dining reservation line and getting busy signals, I gave up and contacted Dream Departures, who was able to get us one through the TA line in just a few moments.  We now have reservations to celebrate post-race for WDW Marathon Weekend.

Speaking of the WDW Marathon Weekend - I'm absolutely baffled that the percentages haven't moved after The Great Medal Caper, release of the medal design and roll-back prices from last week.  I'd expect to see a huge jump by the time they get around to updating them.  Register now if are interested in participating!  There are only 142 days remaining 'til race weekend!  I can't wait!

Percentages have FINALLY been updated as of 3pm 8/20/12!!
Marathon - 84%
Half - 79%
5k - 54%
Goofy - 90%

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