Disney Fantasy Maiden Voyage

Disney Fantasy Maiden Voyage
Through the porthole on the Fantasy with the Disney Magic in the background

Monday, August 13, 2012

My first Tri experience

So yesterday was my first ever experience with a triathlon - the GeoComfort TriGreen Triathlon at Carlyle Lake.  I participated as part of a relay team.  Having done relays in the past, I knew I would be in for a good time.  We also had a bunch of friends out at the event.  One guy was doing his first ever tri – he did the sprint event.  Another women we knew also did the sprint as a training day.  Our team (Team FMF) was doing the Olympic distance as a co-ed team, and we had nother team of friends competing in the same.  

Allison was our swimmer – and WOW! did she give us a great lead.  She was the first female and second overall person out of the water for the 1500m swim, completing this in about 20 minutes (3 minutes faster than the year prior).  Her boyfriend Dwayne then took over on the bike and he was able to maintain our position during his ~25 mile tour of Keyesport and surrounding area, finishing in about 1 hour 15 minutes.  The final portion was 10k run.   The first mile of the run was on the rocky path of the levee by the lake, and then turned on to the streets of Keyesport, where I spent the next two miles.  This was a two-loop course, so I got to run past my teammates in the middle for some added encouragement.  Mile four put me back up on the rocky path.  Five and most of six were back on the streets, and we finished the last quarter-mile or so on the levee again.  I came across the finish in just under 47 minutes, giving the team a time of under 2 hours 30 minutes.  Team FMF placed 1st in the co-ed team division – and we all had what was probably our best days ever!!  Overall, a well organized and supported event.  I’d definitely love to do it again.  Have to say – part of me wants to know what I could do as an individual.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like a great day and race. Nice job. be careful Tri's are addicting.
