Disney Fantasy Maiden Voyage

Disney Fantasy Maiden Voyage
Through the porthole on the Fantasy with the Disney Magic in the background

Saturday, August 11, 2012

RnR StL Training – Week 20 long run

This weekend is the celebration of my 15 year high school class reunion.  Friday night was a small meet & greet at The Wine Tap, which turned out to be a blast.  I got to catch up with a good friend that I hadn’t seen since we went our separate ways in college – myself local, and her to Texas.  It was great to see where everyone has gone with their lives.  We called it a night early, after a bottle of wine, in prep for our early run the next day.

Today involved another 15… 15 miles on the training schedule – my longest run since doing the WDW Goofy Challenge in January.  Woke up to a gorgeous morning – the sun was out and it was in the mid-60s for the start of the run.  After a summer of record heat and a drought, this was very much welcomed!  The Belleville Running Club training group had a decent group for the first loop of the day – 6 miles.  One of the slightly faster guys held up for me so we’d both have someone to run with.  For the second loop, I ran the first two and a half alone then was joined by one of our other teammates for the remaining 6 ½ -miles.  The company definitely made the run more enjoyable, and it also kept me honest when I really wanted to walk.  The trail was packed with runners out enjoying the amazing morning.  Splits were 8:40, 8:32, 8:24, 8:17, 8:16, 8:21, 8:42, 8:46, 8:45, 8:36, 8:28, 8:33, 8:32, 8:54 and 8:01 for an 8:31/mile average.

Post run I got to take a tour of my high school to see all the renovations they’ve done over the past 15 years (most of them done over the past 10).  The changes were rather spectacular.  I hope these kids know how good they have it!  :)

Tonight, we are headed out to a local Irish Pub for the official reunion.  Unfortunately, we have to call it an early night again – I have my first Tri, kind of.  We are doing the relay and I’m the runner – the swim I could handle, it’s the bike the freaks me out.  (And it would probably help if I actually owned a bike, other than the 15 year old Huffy mountain bike that is hanging in my garage.)

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