Disney Fantasy Maiden Voyage

Disney Fantasy Maiden Voyage
Through the porthole on the Fantasy with the Disney Magic in the background

Friday, August 10, 2012

RnR StL Training - Week 20 Thursday run

So last night was one of our weekly group runs with the Belleville Running Club.  I guess I really shouldn't complain because my overall pace was still good, but it was definitely one of those runs.  We’ve all had them… where you feel like a grizzly bear is sitting on your chest and your legs feel like lead weights. It was a mental battle to not turn off on the 3-mile route when the guy I was running with did, but I managed to power through and complete the 5 I had planned on doing.  The most important thing is that I got it done.   Splits were 8:27, 8:37, 8:35, 8:39 and 8:13.

I am really good at giving this advice but have to work to remind myself of it… you must have the bad days in order to truly appreciate the good ones.  And after having two stellar days on Tuesday and Wednesday, I was due for a rough one.  

Today is a rest day in prep for tomorrow’s 15 miles.  

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