Disney Fantasy Maiden Voyage

Disney Fantasy Maiden Voyage
Through the porthole on the Fantasy with the Disney Magic in the background

Friday, August 24, 2012

What do you run for?

Right now, I'm running for a PR - a sub-4 marathon at RnR StL to be precise.  Each and every training run I set out on has a purpose: to increase speed, to recover, to get to know "that pace" or to train my legs to run for extensive amounts of time non-stop.

But the REAL reason I run is something deeper than just the desire for a faster race.  I run for me.  I run to be healthier.  I run to reduce the stress of every-day life.  I run as an excuse to travel.

Running is my time - it's time that I don't have to think about work, or chores that need to be done. I've seen cities I never would have otherwise ventured to, and I see other areas more often than I could otherwise justify (ie, Disney).

We all have "that reason" which pushes us out the door - the reason we don't skip that early morning alarm or that after-work run, even though the extra sleep or happy hour sound like better options. Despite prodding from family and co-workers that just don't get it, we stick to it and get out there.

What do YOU run for?
Leave me a comment with your motivation!!

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