Disney Fantasy Maiden Voyage

Disney Fantasy Maiden Voyage
Through the porthole on the Fantasy with the Disney Magic in the background

Monday, August 27, 2012

Motivation in the form of something shiny

So I had a great long run on Saturday, 17 miles in 2:22, in prep for my sub-4 attempt at RnR St. Louis.  That, in itself, is always motivating.

However, I got a touch of unexpected motivation today via Facebook.  My back-up marathon, the Tulsa Route 66 Marathon, released their finisher's medals today in this video.

I've done this race (either half or full) every year since 2007, except in 2008.  It's a great race all around - the course, the support, the food after.  They have a great finisher's premiums for the marathoners - a really nice sex-specific tech shirt.

And it's a celebration for the Marathon Maniacs, 50 States Marathon Club members and Half Fanatics.  Not only do these three groups have a special reunion area before and after the race at no extra charge, but they also have specially designed finisher's medals specific to each group!  Where else can you get a medal specific to your running club and have your own personal party tent for after??

In addition to these club medals, they also have a special medal for anyone completing their first marathon.  I don't know of any other race that does that either!

This race as one other really unique thing that I haven't seen anywhere else in my running career... The Center of the Universe Detour on the marathon course.  This is a 0.3-mile detour off the marathon course around mile 17 to a spot in Tulsa where, if you stand in the circle, you can hear your own echo, which can't be heard by those outside the circle.  It's pretty cool and definitely worth the added distance if you aren't racing for a PR or the win.  I did the detour in 2010 (and still managed to land myself a new marathon PR) and again in 2011.  Each year, I received some bonus bling when I got there - and what marathoner doesn't like extra bling!?!?!  They gave out some very cool coins as you left the area.  In addition to the coin in 2011, anyone 21 and over could also opt in for a free sample of Michelob Ultra while you were there.

My First Marathon medal
Tulsa Route 66 Marathon medal
Marathon Maniacs medal
Tulsa Route 66 Half Marathon medal
Half Fanatic medal
Marathon Relay medal
Center of the Universe detour coin

Anyone else planning on coming out to Tulsa to run this awesome event?

1 comment:

  1. I think they're ugly but maybe they'll grow on me. I've done the Route 66 events for 2 years (this'll be the third). My first 5K, my first marathon and 2012 will be my second half.
